Invisible Touch was another project we were tasked with when joining the school, the title of the project was very open ended and unspecific, this lead to a lot of variations in the groups projects. I was placed into group T and this was already a challenge as one of our member decided to leave as the chosen project was creatively not right for them, as well as this another of our members was very in the dark and we seemed to have little to no communication from him at all. Baring all this in mind we seemed to produce an adequate project that we felt portrayed and communicated what it was we wanted to and therefore it felt like a success.
The task was to create a "Digital Artefact" which again lead to a lot of ideas from our team as to various ideas that would best incorporate our skillsets as a team, though this was a difficult task I think that we found a very reasonable solution, and that was to attempt something that had never been attempted by anyone in our group. The idea was to create a simple animation each lasting 15 seconds which we would stitch together and create a 75 second long clip between the five of us. This was the story of Dr Hoffman who was the person who discovered the effects of LSD, this allowed us to be creative in the way that we could animate our scenes as the story is of the Doctor on his way home from work after accidently sampling LSD, with his trip getting slowly more severe until he finally crashes his bike into his doorstep.
My 15 second portion was animated using cut outs on white paper slowly moving around, to do this efficiently I filmed in 12 frames per second, and as I aimed for 15 seconds I worked out that I needed 12 frames X 15 seconds which got me to 180 total frames and therefore 180 different total stills, this was no easy task. I started by creating layers, there's no reason to make 180 identical backgrounds if they can just be used once, so one background was made. I then made a movable Dr Hoffman, this wasn't too difficult, this allowed me to freely move Dr Hoffman about his laboratory background with ease, I now have a background and a foreground that don't need to be drawn out over and over, this is common practice used in animation as it saves time and money, it was used for example in the 30's Walt Disney animations as they had to hand draw full scenery which was tiring without certain shortcuts. I knew the story my main character had to do and he had a predetermined start and end to his journey as this is what we decided as a group, my job was just to fill this 15 seconds with various doings of Dr Hoffman. This want too hard as its only 15 seconds, the first 8 seconds showed him on the beginning of his trip, while the final 7 seconds show him leaving the lab and getting onto his bike, I then worked out I would need an external shot of the outside of the lab, this was then made and I allowed the Dr Hoffman to move to the door then jump-cut to him outside walking to his bike to start the journey, I knew the next person had to start with him getting onto the bike so there was no need for me to do that so my final frame was Dr Hoffman preparing to mount his bike. This concluded the animation.
The link we drew from LSD to the Invisible Touch is that what Dr Hoffman was experiencing was only visible to him and therefore an experience only he was getting, it was his own Invisible Touch.
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